
Sometimes you got to just take a break and reflect

Sometimes you got to just take a break and reflect.  In a few months my daily routine, social life, relationship and sleep is going to flip 180 and I can not wait.  Yes, I know it's going to be challenging as people keep wanting to inform John and I - 'enjoy your sleep now - while you can' and 'it's your last holiday alone, enjoy every minute' but struggling to conceive for 3 years was the most frustrating and emotional challenge we have ever had to face as a couple.  I have been very open about the craziness of falling pregnant a month before we were due to start IVF and it is so easy to forget about the fertility struggle as our baby is growing but today I just felt a huge sense of relief and appreciation that it happened this way for us as I'm not sure how I would have coped with failed IVF attempts.

The best quote I read from a blogger which sums up how you feel when you are trying to conceive is:

'My period feels like a miscarriage every month'

I have forgot about the hard times but when my sleep is deprived and the crying seems to never end I will always appreciate how different this year could have been.

I also just wanted to share a few websites that I were good for support and advice for couples trying to conceive







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